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COMERCIAL SANTA INES S.A., created by Guerrero Family; as a familiar company, is born in Mazatlan City, Mexico, in order to commercialize, to import and to export diverse commodities, such as: non-ferrous Metals, Copper, Iron Ore, Iron Sand steel and scrap Metal ; HSM 1&2, as well as, in another one of its areas: nutritional products generally, gourmet, fish and seafood, fish meal committed to offer to their clients the best quality and service, CSI EXPORT & IMPORT S.A de C.V and CMG Chile, and CIS and CMG GROUP CORP. USA.
Thanks to the demand of the market, in 2008 CMG Chile, CSI EXPORT & IMPORT in 2011, is born in Santiago, Chile, as an extension of Commercial Santa Ines, obtaining in less than a year Representation Contracts with major and recognized companies.
Offers an integral and dynamic service in the metallic product commercialization, with safe policies of risk, protection of the environment, privileging the health and life of the people, as well as the continuous improvement in Management and Sustainable Development of processes. We respect and we guaranteed that our present and future operations and processes fulfill all the environmental standards of prevention defined by the Organization and the ones demanded by our clients.
We constantly evaluate the performance of our processes through fulfillment of the Management Indicators defined by the Company. We form, motivated and educated all of our personnel for a safe work, environmentally responsible and fulfilling all the requirements established with our clients, assuming the standards of quality of our clients like our own.
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